Search Results
Detecting Variability in Tumor Genotyping Using NGS Platforms - Dr. J Frampton
Addressing the Variability of Molecular Assays - Dr J Frampton
Development of a Multi-Variant Frequency Ladder for NGS Assay Workflows - ASHG 2014
Understanding and Controlling for Sample and Platform Biases in NGS Assays
The Effect of Formalin on Clinical Diagnostics - Dr. J Frampton
NGS Target Enrichment Solutions to Drive Discovery in Precision Medicine Research
Next-generation sequencing for forensic DNA analysis
11/10/2014 - Session 3A - Evaluation of NGS for companion diagnostics use
Edward Ki Yun Leung - Development of Targeted Next Generation Sequencing for Pharmacogenomics
Sequencing analysis of cancer tissue samples: FFPE vs.Fresh Frozen
NGS Event | Practical aplication of Ion Torrent at the NCI - Dr. Boland (Inglés)
Topic057 NGS Platforms